Author: Chelsea Crane

CPAP users are getting ready to travel with their sleep apnea therapy as the holidays approach. Because of the disruptions caused by a change in environment, persons with sleep apnea may have a more difficult time falling asleep while travelling than those without the problem. Second, you’ll need to locate a dependable, transportable CPAP machine. Is there anything else I can do? Does a new mask become necessary? During my travels, how can I ensure that my CPAP therapy is as comfortable and easy as possible? The AirMini Autoset Travel CPAP Machine by ResMed and the Transcend Micro Auto Travel cpap machine for sleep apnea by Somnetics are two of the most well-liked CPAP machines for taking on…

Many people are unable to have their teeth straightened until they reach adulthood. Straightening your teeth as an adult can be an intimidating prospect. You may be concerned about the discomfort of metal brackets and wires, or you may have to maintain a professional appearance that may not accommodate the appearance of traditional braces. Invisalign can offer you another more discreet option. Our Rocklin Invisalign braces dentist, can help you learn more about the procedure and determine if you are a candidate. Invisalign uses clear plastic aligners that are comfortable to wear and almost invisible when worn. They are also removable, which means that you can continue enjoying all your favorite activities and foods. You can brush and…

Ceramic braces work like metal braces but are far less noticeable, allowing patients to keep their self-confidence during orthodontic treatment. This is because ceramic braces use brackets that match the color of teeth. Furthermore, ceramic braces are resistant to discoloration from heavily pigmented foods and drinks. Here is more about how ceramic braces benefit patients who want to have their teeth corrected in an aesthetically pleasing way. Ceramic braces lack the metal wires and brackets that are present on traditional braces. When patients visit our expert in ceramic braces in Rocklin, they can opt for translucent bands that blend in with teeth. Because the brackets are clear, a natural appearance is enjoyed by patients throughout their treatment. See…

As orthodontics becomes more advanced, early orthodontic treatments are becoming more common. Children as young as age seven can benefit from early orthodontic interventions in many cases. If your child has a bite alignment problem or misaligned teeth, specialist for early orthodontic treatments in Rocklin, can help. Many parents opt for early orthodontic treatments for their children because it can remedy a number of problems. For example, if your child is experiencing pain, problems chewing, or even problems speaking because of a bite alignment issue,  Rocklin early orthodontic treatments expert, can fix the bite and remedy the problem. In addition, misaligned teeth can benefit from braces and other dental devices. Some problems, such as an underbite or a narrow upper…

In response to the demand for a teen version of its virtually invisible orthodontic treatment, Invisalign has created Invisalign Teen. With a variety of new features, Invisalign Teen addresses the unique requirements of adolescents between the ages of 13 and 19. Teenagers who want to avoid unwanted attention can now enjoy the many benefits of Invisalign during adolescence, when self-consciousness is common and orthodontic treatment is especially effective. Invisalign Teen offers the same benefits included with standard Invisalign treatment. These include greater comfort, convenience and support for oral health compared to treatment with metal braces. Because Invisalign Teen aligners lack brackets and wires, teens never have to worry about suffering abrasion in the mouth. This feature also reduces…

Patients can visit our expert in white braces in Rocklin to receive a more discreet form of orthodontic correction. In contrast to metal braces, which use metal brackets, white braces use porcelain brackets that match the color of teeth. As a result, recipients are less likely to suffer disruption in their personal and professional lives while their teeth are being corrected. White braces offer all of the aesthetic and functional benefits associated with other orthodontic treatments. For example, patients who visit our Rocklin white braces expert enjoy increased lifelong resistance against tooth decay and gum disease after having their teeth corrected. Patients also have a reduced risk of TMJ, a painful jaw joint disorder associated with bite irregularities.…